Friday, August 31, 2012

Whatta Friday!

photo: I "Google" it.

Dear Earthquake, 

You used to visit us rarely and always in a short span of time. You bring us sudden burst of different emotion most often fear, nervous, panic, shaking, wobbling, terrified, pain (headache), scared and worried. We don’t know how to stop you since you’re so unpredictable and since before you were already existed. We do acknowledge your purpose though it’s quiet hard to fathom if it is either good or bad. Plus, we don’t know how to interpret your existence for you usually give us gigantic damage of our property not counting that result of your aftershocks. We also tend to lose some our loved ones that feed our heart with deep sorrow. So, Mr. Earthquake I am appealing you tonight, please be good even if you gave us 7.9 magnitudes already. I wish you won’t bring any tsunami effect.

On a lighter note and this is also reject the in-denial thing in me and to convince myself that still everything is under control, heres what I realized while I was trying to feel the cadences of the seism earlier:
1.       Am I ready to die?
2.       What did I do with my life?
3.       Did I live my life to the fullest?
4.       Did I do everything what I want to do?
5.       Did I make people happy?
6.       Did I help those in need?
7.       Did I ask forgiveness to those people who I hurt?
8.       Did I show compassion?
9.       Did I give love enough?
10.   What Im gonna do if Ill have another chance? How am I gonna live and use it?

This is more on self-reflection. I dont know. My mind is just amused with that experience. I hope everyone is safe. Lets all pray.


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