Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hoping to dance with you again!

Gone are the days where lost made me weak and sorrows filled deep within.
Gone are the days where laughter turned into tears and mourning dominated.
Gone are the days where hugs and kisses are plain sailing and now is out of the window.
But since those days are gone, now is the most important and the "NOW" is what matters most.

A month from now it will be Papa's 1st death anniversary and it seems like everything is still fresh. Arriving home and seeing you doing your usual household chores, laughing, watching TV or playing around the kids in our neighborhood has been my assumption. I don't buy the idea of late displaying of affection or postponing the present emotions, because there's no "late" for a sincere heart.

Anyways, people have said, "Everything has its own reason.". But whatever that reason or reasons of your early departure from us, I would prefer to focus on the good and best things happened when you were still with us. HIS plans for you is ALWAYS the best. However, even if you're physically absent, I'm still laud of reminiscing your memories even if I told myself to let you go, yet doing this has always been comforting. I feel proud because people knew how great you are and how your deeds inspired many of your colleagues. They even wished that there will be more people like you. Yet for us, you are just simply you - kind, supportive, loving, funny, generous, hardworking, cool and has a deep patience. I couldn't ask for more of you because my heart is already filled of endless gratitude witnessing your legacy. Thank you for the good memories and inspiration, Pang!

And before I'm closing this post, I wish you to hear me singing this song for you.

 Back when I was a child
Before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high
And dance with my mother and me
And then
Spin me around 'till I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure
I was loved

If I could get another chance
Another walk
Another dance with him
I'd play a song that would never ever end
How I'd love love love
To dance with my father again

When I and my mother
Would disagree
To get my way I would run
From her to him
He'd make me laugh just to comfort me
yeah yeah
Then finally make me do
Just what my mama said
Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he
Would be gone from me

If I could steal one final glance
When final step
One final dance with him
I'd play a song that would never ever end
Cause I'd love love love to
Dance with my father again

Sometimes I'd listen outside her door
And I'd hear how mama would cry for him
I'd pray for her even more than me
I'd pray for her even more than me

I know I'm praying for much to much
But could you send her
The only man she loved
I know you don't do it usually
But Dear Lord
She's dying to dance with my father again

Every night I fall asleep
And this is all I ever dream

I hope to dance with you again, Pang! ♥

Forgive me for this chosen photo. But I find this pleasing. Such an ordinary man!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Whatta Friday!

photo: I "Google" it.

Dear Earthquake, 

You used to visit us rarely and always in a short span of time. You bring us sudden burst of different emotion most often fear, nervous, panic, shaking, wobbling, terrified, pain (headache), scared and worried. We don’t know how to stop you since you’re so unpredictable and since before you were already existed. We do acknowledge your purpose though it’s quiet hard to fathom if it is either good or bad. Plus, we don’t know how to interpret your existence for you usually give us gigantic damage of our property not counting that result of your aftershocks. We also tend to lose some our loved ones that feed our heart with deep sorrow. So, Mr. Earthquake I am appealing you tonight, please be good even if you gave us 7.9 magnitudes already. I wish you won’t bring any tsunami effect.

On a lighter note and this is also reject the in-denial thing in me and to convince myself that still everything is under control, heres what I realized while I was trying to feel the cadences of the seism earlier:
1.       Am I ready to die?
2.       What did I do with my life?
3.       Did I live my life to the fullest?
4.       Did I do everything what I want to do?
5.       Did I make people happy?
6.       Did I help those in need?
7.       Did I ask forgiveness to those people who I hurt?
8.       Did I show compassion?
9.       Did I give love enough?
10.   What Im gonna do if Ill have another chance? How am I gonna live and use it?

This is more on self-reflection. I dont know. My mind is just amused with that experience. I hope everyone is safe. Lets all pray.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Gifted Tuesday!

Allow me to cite this post to a famous adage of Paulo Coelho in his book The Alchemist: The Fable About Following Your Dream, "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

I supposed to catch some rest because I didn't have enough rest few days ago especially last night but my mind is loaded with so many words that basically of course I need to unload in order for me to have a good rest after. Do I make sense? Okay, here we go... Earlier today, we just had our "Giftedness Identification and Intervention Seminar Part II" at Rajah Park Hotel. It was successful in the sense that we were able to address the topic clearly to our audience and personally, I learned a lot. I was amazed by the speakers' talk. I was magnified and overwhelmed by the friends' support outside EC2. I was blessed by the participants presence, their ability in listening and their attention span. I was in tune by my colleagues working attitude to make the event a successful one.

The half tarp

The EC2 team

 On the other hand, there were some part of the event that I thought to have an improvement. Personally, I need it. I realized, I lack marketing skills. I lack strategy. I even lack communication. I wasn't able to achieve my target participants though. I had trouble meeting deadlines and dealing with people's differences. But these realizations doesn't stop me of learning new things, of acquiring those skills I didn't have in coming days and of evaluating myself. I want some feedback. I would love suggestions. I'm excited to hear criticism - constructive. I look forward for the assessment by Teacher Ray and of my teammates. This is not just about the event, but this is about building my own self better.

Right now, if you will ask me how I feel? I am just GRATEFUL! I am HAPPY! I am BLESSED!

Grateful, happy and blessed because of the people around me. I can't help it but recognize them and their contributions of my present feeling especially in achieving the success of the above-mentioned event. My EC2 family, T. Ray, T. Mimi, T. Yami, T. Yanyan, T. Mod and Ivy, things aren't perfect. There's no such thing even. But even if we have individual differences, I still consider you guys as something I cannot take for granted. Each of your personalities give me the chance to grow and learn every time we sit down and talk about our lessons, our lives, EC2 stuffs, our personal and different encounters, our nonsense topics, our funny and laughing moments and our open forum. I may have some pessimistic opinions about you, to be honest but it doesn't mean I'm dealing with it most of the time. I preferably want to tag it "learning your attitude" every single encounter.

Moving on, my friends in Elim community such as Ate Karen Barte (our emcee) and Ate Faith who showed spiritual support and some of my friends in Elim way back in Danao, thank you guys for your prayers and intercession, I know by heart that you are praying for me and I cannot pay you for that. Patrick Bacalso for the design poster.

Dude, who helped and saved me in one of my pressured and "cramming mode". Those emailing moments late at night just to have my favors done were being treasured and again, I don't know how to pay you in return. Himoa lang ko og labandera for 1 day Dude, hehehe. You are a wonderful person not because you helped me but because behind your busy schedule is a deep personality whose heart is set to help others in any ways that you can.

Hmmm and lastly, I wish I can hug YOU physically Lord and tell YOU right to YOUR eyes "Thank You". I am happy! When things got in trouble (almost lang), I knew it, my conviction told me, that YOU will  always give ways and means. *crying

To end this, I wish to have all of you being mentioned in this note collaborating again on something that I can't tell in the next chapter of my "Book Of Life" called "Organizing Events". ^^

Along with the lessons I acquired out of that experience was also the fact that it was my first big event being handled. It hyped me to the highest level.LOL

The Brilliant Speakers

Mr. Gestalt Wellness Institute
The amazing audience

The EC2 team with Mayor Michael Rama

Photo credit to Ray Nobleza and Ivy Casiño. :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Letting Go Some Clutter

Have you ever had a time where things get so crazy, friends were so busy and problems arise little too noisy? So much and so much that you can't even hear and see yourself doing better. 

It's always been a wonderful agenda to spend some quite time for yourself every now and then. You don't need to spend a lot or go to places far from your usual place for one day. 

I know how important it is to me already... and I wish it will be yours too! 

The fact that we know already what's this topic all about and we have our own different ways on how to let go something yet something is being neglected... I think... and before I'm going to continue this post, I would like to emphasize the word "disclaimer".

- letting go of the pain -
Whatever kind of pain we have, learn to let go of it. The beauty of recognizing our present feeling is what makes us accept the reality that we are in pain and there isn't anything wrong with it. But let's take responsible, it shouldn't be forever. I mean, we can take time to grieve then learn to rise up and fix our self.

- letting go of all pretentious -
You are what you are. Even twins are different. Make use of the uniqueness you have. Learn to let go of that pretentious stuffs that hinder yourself to do what you supposedly do. Learn to spread your wings confidently and fly the sky freely. In this way, good things will come your way easily. 

-letting go of your emotions
Different emotions! Happy, sad, hatred, joy, freedom, doubt, fear, in love, scared, etc. etc. Whatever it is, express it and be present on the particular feelings you have every moment. Chances are, you won't have time dealing with your grudges overnight.

-letting go of unimportant events or even people
There's nothing wrong of saying "no" of an invitation. If you don't feel like going, don't go! If you don't like the person, don't be! It's okay to choose. It's okay to refuse! And it is very much okay to eliminate unimportant people. Learn to exercise your freedom to choose. But don't be so nice following other people's choice or wants for you. It's always your account. 

-letting go of being close-mindedness
Be open for everything especially for the changes. It's the only permanent is this world. Try to unlock your heart for anything that is possible to happen in your life and learn from those past and ugly experiences you had. When you're free, you're also trying to avoid stress.

We know these things already but we aren't practicing and applying it to ourselves. Watch out from those little distractions, be careful and take care of your peace of mind.

Happiness is present always, we just have to choose and embrace it.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

LOVE is...

Love is . . . Being happy for the other person when they are happy, Being sad for the person when they are sad, Being together in good times, And being together in bad times.

Love is . . . Being honest with yourself at all times, Being honest with the other person at all times, Telling, listening, respecting the truth, And never pretending.

Love is . . . An understanding so complete that you feel as if you are a part of the other person, Accepting the other person just the way they are, And not trying to change them to be something else.

Love is . . . The freedom to pursue your own desires while sharing your experiences with the other person, The growth of one individual alongside of and together with the growth of another individual.

Love is . . . The excitement of planning things together, The excitement of doing things together.
Love is . . . The fury of the storm, The calm in the rainbow.

Love is . . . Giving and taking in a daily situation, Being patient with each other's needs and desires.

Love is . . . Knowing that the other person will always be with you regardless of what happens, Missing the other person when they are away but remaining near in heart at all times.

~ Susan Polis Schutz ~
EverGreen Literature facebook account

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Moving Forward in EC2

Time flies really fast! Everything I dreamed of last year happened little by little this year. My heart was set on to it. My goals were align to every decisions I made. I did a lot of hard work. I sacrificed a lot. There were times when another things tried to switch on the plans, but I stuck to it. I stood it. And now, I'm in the place where I dreamed and prayed of - Exceptional Children's Education Center (EC2).

The environment in the school is very new to me. The children, the ways how to handle them, the kind of attitude I must show them, the words I must speak... almost everything. In short, I must be firm, consistent and precise. At first, I knew I should do a lot work until when the first week of Summer class in EC2, then I realized, this isn't going to be easy!

But my determination to improve myself, to learn a lot and to widen my perspective pushed me to go through it. My job in the school is quite challenging for me, but again my heart is already set on to it. My mind is very open to explore everything about the world.

I'm blessed enough to have colleagues like T. Mimi, T. Yami, Yani bb, Ate Jackie and of course T. Ray, the school director to have a kind of environment that is nurturing and open. Their presence really affects my work and the quality of life I have at this moment and will have in the future. T. Mimi who is very kind, has a wide knowledge about handling precious children, humble and a good person/friend/Ate. She helps me grow in the field of teaching kids. T. Yami who is generous of her time, talent and treasure all about in the school. I appreciate her so much that despite of giving up her main task in the school which is already mine, she is still there to help me out. Yani bb who has dreams exactly the same as my dreams, is my precious buddy. The journey I have with you is always memorable. Ate Jackie who is quite but loud gives me a kind of impact that nobody can do. And T. Ray who I think is, perfectionist just like me a little, straight-forward, generous in sharing about everything he learns in life, and has a vast-range knowledge about academics. Wow! He's oozing that kind of stock area in his brain. Truly, the people around you will affect the kind of life you want to be.

More over, as of last week, we had our culminating program. Too soon we realized that Summer Class was over and we will miss the kids. Too soon regular class in June will start. Too soon we will be busy again. And too soon, we will work and help each other in shaping every kids' future.

Credit to the Facebook Account of EC2 for these photos!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Teaching Philosophy

Photo by Google

"Teaching is a noble profession." "Teachers are agents to our future." "Teachers are facilitators of the learning process.".....

Those are just few of the famous lines I heard from the my teachers about being a teacher which made me realize that "teaching" can yield amazing result when right ideas and beliefs are implemented in the classroom and when all these important ingredients are present in the recipe of the learning process, the learners will surely have its good taste of the future. 

I personally have my own beliefs and ideas when it comes to teaching. As for me, I believe that teaching is not just all about giving facts or theories to the learners or pushing them to memorize something, or depending solely on textbooks, or feeding all the needed information and etc. It is indeed all about letting the learners understand the whole concept of the topic, encouraging them to have pleasure in understanding, to develop them their holistic ability and to be open-minded.

I also believe that as a teacher I must have a strong and solid knowledge about the learning process. I must know what to teach. I must master the subject matter. I must seek other sources and materials used to aid in my teaching. I must not depend more on memorization of facts or theories but rather apprise them to comprehend for better learning. Compassion for the learners is also needed so that they will be encouraged from time to time especially if some things are difficult for them to grasp.  

Moreover, I must be a facilitator in my classroom. And as a facilitator, I must guide my learners through the subject matter in order to assist them in their own discoveries. I must allow then to have hands on activities so they can learn at their best. The constructivist learning theory in which I also believe with the fact that learners can construct their own learning in the classroom "learning by doing". Furthermore I must also be a disciplinarian. It will be such a nice feeling if someday you will see your learners successful in the area that they choose and they will thank you for your contribution in their lives. That’s fulfillment! 

On the contrary, I know that I must be aware of how to be more effective in my teaching. I know that there are many strategies available to use in teaching yet no one fits all the content. So, I must work hard on how I am going to deliver the subject. Though I don't have that ideal voice good for a big class which I know is very important however, I know that with the proper approach and command of teaching, learning will be more fun and effective.

So, that's it, somehow maybe, we are the same. 

I want to be a teacher! My desire is to teach. If I won't be in this area, I rather not in anyone.