Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Teaching Philosophy

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"Teaching is a noble profession." "Teachers are agents to our future." "Teachers are facilitators of the learning process.".....

Those are just few of the famous lines I heard from the my teachers about being a teacher which made me realize that "teaching" can yield amazing result when right ideas and beliefs are implemented in the classroom and when all these important ingredients are present in the recipe of the learning process, the learners will surely have its good taste of the future. 

I personally have my own beliefs and ideas when it comes to teaching. As for me, I believe that teaching is not just all about giving facts or theories to the learners or pushing them to memorize something, or depending solely on textbooks, or feeding all the needed information and etc. It is indeed all about letting the learners understand the whole concept of the topic, encouraging them to have pleasure in understanding, to develop them their holistic ability and to be open-minded.

I also believe that as a teacher I must have a strong and solid knowledge about the learning process. I must know what to teach. I must master the subject matter. I must seek other sources and materials used to aid in my teaching. I must not depend more on memorization of facts or theories but rather apprise them to comprehend for better learning. Compassion for the learners is also needed so that they will be encouraged from time to time especially if some things are difficult for them to grasp.  

Moreover, I must be a facilitator in my classroom. And as a facilitator, I must guide my learners through the subject matter in order to assist them in their own discoveries. I must allow then to have hands on activities so they can learn at their best. The constructivist learning theory in which I also believe with the fact that learners can construct their own learning in the classroom "learning by doing". Furthermore I must also be a disciplinarian. It will be such a nice feeling if someday you will see your learners successful in the area that they choose and they will thank you for your contribution in their lives. That’s fulfillment! 

On the contrary, I know that I must be aware of how to be more effective in my teaching. I know that there are many strategies available to use in teaching yet no one fits all the content. So, I must work hard on how I am going to deliver the subject. Though I don't have that ideal voice good for a big class which I know is very important however, I know that with the proper approach and command of teaching, learning will be more fun and effective.

So, that's it, somehow maybe, we are the same. 

I want to be a teacher! My desire is to teach. If I won't be in this area, I rather not in anyone.

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