Hale yeah MALE species! Their psyche is complex too and sometimes hard to fathom. They may be good in conditioning their cars but you may find them stuck in operating washing machines. They have needs, wants, likes, dislikes and dreams. I am not an expert in this agenda nor a psychologist who studies mental characteristics of a person to give you the exact informations about them but based on my experiences and encounters with the different men in my life, then I came to realized all these things.
1. Men need women.
Vice-versa. We both need each other. If you could imagine a movie, behind those wars, soldiers, superheroes and leading men are women. I guess, the movie isn't called nice and successful if there isn't any woman that inspires a man.
2. Men want to be respected.
I've learned that the primary need of men is Respect. When you let them choose between being alone or in a burst argument with their girlfriend, don't be dumbfounded when they choose to be alone. In an argument, men usually feel like they are being deprived of their respect. So, the next time you will be in this scenario, think about this six-letter word RESPECT.
3. Men want to know if you like what they like.
Imagine a situation wherein you both watch a basketball game, the crowd is screaming all the way and your boyfriend shows his support and cheers to his favorite team but at the end of the game if he's going to ask how was it, you will answer, "I was bored", "I got tired watching it." How do you think he will feel? Tell him straight if you are interested in his interest.
4. Men need to be praised.
No matter what kind of job or hobbies he is into, praise him. Never be stingy with your praises. Even if you don't like what they wear or their haircut or their smell, or even those simple things they do for you always find some good ways to recognize them. Never put them down immediately. You can always try to praise the bad ones and give more praise to the good ones. In that way, men I think will realize the difference. Yet you give praises both.
5. Men need to be understood.
Understanding is the key word here. All they want from us - women, is to understand all their endeavors. Whether in the areas of sports, jobs, relationships, hobbies and interests. Understand them and they will admire you more in this arena. Promise! Hehe
6. Men want to be heard too.
Men are good listeners but unrecognized sometimes. Yet, they also want to be heard. It requires your full attention so be ready and set aside your concerns for awhile. When they talk about serious matters, listen to them. Sometimes, all they want is to voice out those hidden feelings, confusions or problems in their heart and the best thing you can do for them is - LISTEN and be with them at that specific time.
7. Men need support.
Men are inspired to work hard when they know that you are supporting them. It might be unheard but let it show through your actions like prepare their things, clothes, foods, even the water for bath and encouragement them everyday about their task at work.
8. Men are detailed.
Of all the numbers, I think, this area is hard to explain for me since I had few encounters of men who are detailed person when it comes to work and responsibility. When they say something, they really mean it. Never doubt or question them many times. They won't waste or spend time to puzzle you up. It is also like, be exact also on you words for them.
9. Men want to be nourished.
Wow! This is very common. "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." So, nourishing them with foods is a good way to win his affection. Hehehe Of course, they want to be taking cared of... very well.
10. Men want love.
Love is women's primary need and men want it. That includes everything as in EVERYTHING.
Men are needy. They want to be loved, cared and nurtured.
They pay attention on how we address to them our needs, our concerns, our feelings etc. etc. etc. We have to let them explore the world. They want their freedom to do so. Let them be the MAN they suppose to be.
They pay attention on how we address to them our needs, our concerns, our feelings etc. etc. etc. We have to let them explore the world. They want their freedom to do so. Let them be the MAN they suppose to be.
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