Thursday, June 2, 2011


Too many people are dragging through life  God created us to enjoy life  We’re supposed to be the happiest people on earth  Everywhere we go we should brighten up the place  That’s the impact we should have on others - our joy should overflow on to them  Life is too short to live negative, grouchy and grumpy  Jesus came to give us life abundant  Some people never smile  Joy should be displayed  We should be kind and friendly  Some people need to get their joy back  You’re not excited about your future  You’re not enjoying the people God brought into your life  That’s not only robbing you of joy but also those around you as well  Decide not to live another day grumpy and discouraged  I will live my life happy  God has given you your life to enjoy  You have everything you need to be happy  You may not be in the home you want but you can enjoy the home you have  If you don’t learn to be happy where you are you’ll never get to where you want to go  It’s good to want to increase but don’t let those goals frustrate you  Stay in faith and go out each day doing your best with a smile on your face  Too many people are at war on the inside  They don’t like their lives  They don’t like their possessions or the people in their lives  Psalm 118:24 this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it  It’s easy to come up with excuses to delay your happiness  As soon as…then I’ll be happy  Put your foot down and decide to be happy right now  As children we start off happy and enthusiastic  Children quickly recover from setbacks  They don’t hold grudges  They don’t worry about their futures  They enjoy the simple things in life  When Alexandra was a baby she would jump up and down when she saw Pastor Joel  She didn’t need to be going to Disneyland to be happy  She was happy just to be alive, to start a new day  We should never forget how to celebrate each day  As we age we can let life drag us down  When this day is gone you’ll never get it back  If you live grumpy you’ve wasted a day  Some people have wasted years being unhappy  They’ve been mistreated…their not getting what they want as quickly as they want it  Happiness is a choice  You can choose to live this day happy  Or you can choose to be irritable  It’s not dependent on your circumstances; it’s dependent on your choices  A man is undergoing chemotherapy right now but you’d never know from his positive attitude  Everyday he asks himself if he wants to be happy or depressed, and he chooses happiness  Some days we won’t feel like being bothered  Don’t get into agreement with negative thoughts  That would be choosing to have a lousy day  You decide what kind of day you will have  (don’t wait and see)  Declare this is going to be a great day  Something good is going to happen to me today  Psalm 30:5 joy comes in the morning  Everyday God sends you joy  Receive the gift of joy that God sent you  Father thank You for another beautiful day  People may have reasons for their unhappiness  They are unhappy because they are choosing to be unhappy  Nothing can take your joy - you have to give it away  Too many people are allowing someone else to frustrate them  You may have people in your life that aggravate you  Say no more; I will not give away my joy  This day is a gift from God and I will not waste it  I am responsible for my own happiness  There are no valid excuses to live your life sour  Most of the time we have what we need in order to be happy  You may not like your job but if you lost it and were out of work for months you would probably love to get that same job back  If you lost your health you would love to get it back  Keep the right perspective  We all have something to be happy about  A couple always complained about their house until they almost lost it to foreclosure. Now they love it  Don’t complain about cleaning that house; be happy you have a house and the health to clean it  There are very few things that we “have” to do  We get to, not have to  So much of our happiness is based on our perspective  2 construction workers. One complaining about tedious work. The other excited to be building a skyscraper  Give whatever you do your best, knowing you’re making the world a better place  Years ago a man was on a train and met a well-to-do couple  The lady complained the whole time  She made everybody miserable  The man engaged the husband in conversation  The husband said my wife is in manufacturing  She manufactures unhappiness everywhere she goes  Matthew 12:35 The good man from his inner good treasure flings forth good things, and the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth evil things. (Amplified)  It’s not our circumstances that cause unhappiness; it’s our perspective  You can put a happy positive person in bad circumstances and they’ll still be happy. We develop wrong mindsets that prevent happiness. We condition our mind about when we can enjoy life and when we must endure life. Joel writes his sermons on Thursdays. For a while he dreaded Thursdays. He decided he needed to enjoy Thursdays. There are more heart attacks on Mondays than any other day. Happiness increases 10% on Fridays. Let everyday be Friday. Give yourself permission to be happy everyday. If you’ll have the right mindset you can be happy every day. The scripture doesn’t say Friday is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. TGIM Thank God It’s Monday. I know this is going to be a great day. Every day can be a Friday. Yes some days can be more difficult than others but we can still decide to be happy. I’m excited about my family, my health, my opportunities, etc. Zippity Doo Dah Zippity Ay My oh my What a wonderful day. Plenty of sunshine Comin’ my way. Zippity Doo Dah Zippity Ay. You are as happy as you’re choosing to be. Learn to be happy where you are. That’s the seed you’re sowing for God to move. If you’ll choose to be happy every day you’ll brighten others’ days too
photo: I googled it.


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